I saw this documentary posted from Reality Films (@RealityFilms on Twitter) and just had to see this for myself (thankfully my husband is just as curious as I am!). Here is the synopsis, taken from Reality Films:
In 1958, Billy Meier predicted the Iraq Wars, AIDS and global warming. Is it the biggest hoax or… the most important story in human history?
You’ll find the startling answer in this remarkable, true-life story about how a young Swiss boy’s meetings with extraterrestrials would eventually lead him later in life through dozens of countries, meeting many famous world leaders – including Saddam Hussein – in order to fulfill ancient prophecies.
This one-armed farmer from Switzerland has taken hundreds of the most startling photos in UFO History and has even filmed what he refers to as “Beam Ships” used by sentient beings that hail from a star system near the Pleiades. He has been able to produce photographs, film footage, sound recordings and even metal samples as evidence of his visitations.
You’ll be captivated by how in his twenties, “Billy” Eduard Albert Meier was transformed into “The Phantom” (a real life combination of Indiana Jones, Lawrence of Arabia and Han Solo) and by packing a .44 Magnum was able to apprehend serial killers and mass murderers. Meier’s life story is an enigmatic journey that ultimately culminates with him becoming the messenger for an advanced race of beings know as the Plejaran.
Their message is clear: earth is in trouble, the people have been asleep, and we must make drastic changes or there will be devastating consequences for all of mankind.
Is this story real or too incredible for us to grasp? You must decide for yourself, but if it’s a hoax, why has Meier been the target of 21 assassination attempts? Could it be that the message that humanity so desperately needs to hear is not welcome by many of our world leaders?
Special Features -The Skeptics view on the Meier Case, Billy Meier on the true nature of Evolution, the first inster stellar musical collaboration and much more.
First, I hope that you check out Reality Films site, they have some pretty interesting stuff! Also note that we were able to get this from Netflix!
Let me highlight some interesting parts of the film and include my thoughts:
1. He claims to have been visited by alien life, who have become his teachers.
Supposedly, Mr. Meier has been visited by aliens of the race "Plejaran." They have taught him, basically, the meaning of life and how our spiritual world actually exists. "They" claim to simply know how it all works including our spiritual being and what happens when we die. There is no higher God that is responsible for creation or that serves as our guide but we exist as vehicles to our spiritual bodies. We are supposed to seek guidance from within ourselves and gain control of our emotions, thoughts, and inner being. When we die, our spiritual self is transformed into another personality, another being.
As I've struggled with my own spiritual journey, I have to say that this really hits home. I've had a hard time grasping the idea of a God looking down and guiding me through life. Now, that is not to say that there is no guidance because I know for certain that something, or someone, has helped guide me and protect me. My personal belief is that I have guardians (angels for lack of a better word) who are loved ones who have passed and now serve to watch over me, particularly my grandmother. I've felt her presence many times and I don't have any other way to explain it other than I just know she is with me. According to these alien beings however, she and others who have died are now reincarnated into something or someone else. The guidance that I feel is simply my own. I really can't say that this is bogus because it can absolutely be true in my mind. I don't want to discount that this Plejaran race does not exist so therefore I don't want to write off this new idea. I also believe that we are not meant to really know the truth. Sure, "The Truth Is Out There," but what if we really knew? Could we handle it? And where would the mystery be? Whats the fun in that??
2. He has hundreds of photographs and videos of alien spacecraft (note that I don't use UFO since he claims they are identified as alien spacecraft).
A quick Google search will lead you to find many examples of his photographs. I have to admit, these photos look downright phony, straight from an old science fiction movie. But the documentary does make an interesting point: he took these photos and videos long before the use of CGI and special trickery. He is not a photography expert and does not exactly come across as someone who would take the time to create this kind of hoax.
It seems as though UFO sightings seem to occur in the same places around the world over and over again. UFO "hot spots" if you will. If he happened to be in the right place and the right time and was open to these encounters, why wouldn't they keep coming back to his area and allow him to photograph these crafts? There is even a part in the documentary which shows the crafts providing a demonstration of how the crafts work: by magnetic forces from the earth. We know that some areas of the world are more magnetic than others, maybe this area of Switzerland is one of those areas?
3. He claims to have prophesied major world events, including the Iraq Wars.
In addition to the spiritual teachings from the Plejaran race, they supposedly have helped Mr. Meier foresee future events. He has even had a dream where he was assassinated and wore a metal plate to protect himself, which saved his life from an attack. He has sent world leaders warnings about wars that have played out (most notably the Iraq Wars) and warns of a fore-coming third world war. He also documented scientific findings about Jupiter months before reported by NASA scientists. If he were only prophesying future events, I would say he has some ability to generalize future events, which end up becoming "true" but when you add in the element of potential alien visitations and assistance, this gets me excited. If other beings are traveling this far and making the effort to contact human beings, why couldn't they see things far before we are able to? Hey, in my book, any help we can get, the better. So to all you Plejaran beings out there: thank you. I just hope we can actually listen to this stuff and better ourselves and our planet before it all falls apart. Whether its a hoax or just some crazy guy, maybe we can learn something here!
I could really start a whole other blog just about "Billy" Meier (his real full name is Eduard Albert Meier). When we watched the documentary, we were wondering why we hadn't heard about this before but, like I said before, one quick Google search turns up all sorts of webpages about him. We just hadn't been exposed or had opened our eyes to this before. We plan to attend future conferences like the International UFO Congress and keep our minds open to the very-real possibility that we have been visited and they are making contact.
Interesting bits here. I'll have to check out the movie myself. thanks