A few weeks I had an intriguing dream, one of which has never happened to me. I woke up feeling happy, confused, and awestruck, all bundled up into one crazy feeling. And I haven't forgetten the details since.
Most of the dream centered around a party for my son. I believe it was some combination of his birthday and a larger family reunion, which has actually happened in "real life" before. I felt a bit stressed during the party, making sure everything was going well and overwhelmed by the amount of people that kept showing up for the event, worried that the little house this was taking place in (a rental maybe? It wasn't a place I recognized) was not going to hold everyone.
Suddenly in the middle of the living room stood my uncle. No one else was around him and no one seemed to notice him standing there. I immediately ran up to him and gave him a big hug, thanking him for coming to the party. I said that I hadn't expected him to come and I was so happy to see him again and to have his support.
What makes this dream so wonderfully unique is that my uncle passed away a few months ago. This was real in my dream as well, yet I didn't react as if I had seen a ghost, just that he was there and I could interact with him. I hadn't seen my uncle in years when he passed and am heartbroken that he had died without being to see him one more time. He had intented on attending our family reunion last summer but ended up not being able to go, making his death especially hard on our family.
This dream has helped me remember him well, bring a bit of closure to his passing, and reiterate to me that our loved are never truly gone. I'm not sure exactly why he entered my dream in this way and why at this particular time - not because he is not important to me but because I have lost so many people in my life, why him and why now? My life isn't necessarily anymore turbulent than any other point in my life, why did I need this reassurance so much? Regardless, I am so happy to have had that experience. That dream, and my uncle, will not be forgotten!
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