Part 2: Paranormal Experiences
Part 3: Socialite
This past weekend was the
Lost Limbs Foundation conference at the
Stanley Hotel. The conference started on Friday with meet-and-greet, Q&A session, and an investigation but I chose not to attend that day but came up on Saturday for lectures and the round 2 of investigations.
The best part of the trip for me was the social interactions I was able to have with other participants and the celebrities as well as the investigation (of course!) but in this post, I want to start with the lectures.
First up was Chris from
Creepy Legends Paranormal Research. He didn't seem to have an agenda to speak from and jumped all over the place. It worked well for him though since he seems to have a plethora of experience and stories to share. He talked about his definition of paranormal - which I believe as well - that it is not just ghost hunting but cryptozoology, UFO research, legends...basically out of the realm of "normal."
He has been contacted by
MUFON to conduct cryptozoology research, which I find very exciting and...what an honor! They apparently receive a lot of requests to research in this area and it wasn't part of their normal area of expertise so they reached out to someone who as that interest. He talked about some of his strange encounters with trolls, hauntings, and doppelgangers. I hadn't heard of this doppelganger phenomenon beyond a funny coincidence, mainly on
How I Met Your Mother, but I am very interested in reading and learning more!
He has been featured on a future episode of
Monsters and Mysteries of America, airing next spring, but not sure on what topic.
He closed with some questions from the audience. A new friend, Connie, asked about the "black eyed children" phenomenon as apparently our friend, Rose (I mentioned both of them in my next post) has encountered this. Another thing I want to learn more about!
Next up was
Karl Pfeiffer who was on
Ghost Hunters Academy and now works at the Stanley as well as a
photographer, published
author and active
blogger. While I respect Karl's work and enjoy investigating with him, he was not a great presenter. He tried to explain how ghost hunting and the research out there is not scientific as science is defined. Ok, I can buy into that. But...trying to instill into a group of interested, mostly amateur, "ghost hunters" that the proof they are so desperately trying to find, probably at this event, is pointless is well...difficult. I understand what he was trying to say: call it an experience, not scientific proof, becuase its not science unless you do X,Y, and Z and even then, you aren't going to prove anything to skeptics. We are trying to put labels on what we are experiencing. Sure, that makes sense to me. Unfortunately, I believe he just struggled with this lecture (not a presentation, it was a lecture). I personally would have rather heard about his experiences and writings.
He did mention a book about ESP that intrigued me:
Psychic Exploration by Edgar Mitchell. It dives into actual scientific methods done by actual scientists. Upon looking it up on Amazon, I discovered there a several books on space, UFOs, Roswell, etc that I now want to pick up!
Rosalyn Bown presented next about psychic protection while ghost hunting. She started with a statement about the importance of a having a team, a support system with you. And that when helping a client, your own personal beliefs are not important. She likes to really understand where the client is coming from in their religious beliefs in order to help them. I really liked that statement. Even though I am not religious but spiritual, if I were to dismiss someone's religious beliefs would only hurt, not help them.
She then described three areas of psychic protection: defense, self care, and cleansing. Here is a simple breakdown of those points:
Defense - mental shielding, tapping into our auras, prayers (such as the
St. Michael prayer), religious objects, internal belief system, using assistance from our guardian angels, and crystals.
Cleansing - rock salt, smudging, psychic waterfall (mental imagery), reiki treatment (spiritual healing), and scraping (literally "scraping" off the bad energy).
Self care - meditation, grounding, diet of grounded food, healthy exercise, and plenty of sleep.
I could listen to Rosalyn all day! She had wonderful, positive things to say and I enjoy her psychic/spiritual beliefs. I need to practice her grounding technique of mentally focusing on the ground beneath me...connecting to the earth to increase my awareness of the here and now. If you ever get to hear her speak, I highly encourage it!
Next, Scott Temperman of
Ghost Hunters International showed a horror film
Creep Crawly he was an actor in. Honestly, I can't say I was drawn to it but it has won some awards and is worth checking out for yourself!
Paul Bradford of Ghost Hunters International spoke next and oh man was he a hoot! He opened with the obvious fact that of he and Scott, he is the loud crazy one and can talk about Scott all day; he holds him in the highest regards. He also admits to swearing...a lot. In fact, they permanently dubbed his voice so that every time he said "oh, shit!" ("oh fuck" maybe? I don't remember) it now says "what the hell." He showed us a clip with this example and its actually pretty funny, now knowing that. He also showed us some other scenes from the show but from his perspective to explain what was really happening (funny moments).
Ben Hansen of
Fact or Faked talked a bit about some personal experiences and then showed an experiment that Bill Murphy (also from FoF) had shown him. It demonstrates how EVPs can happen due to electromagnetic fields using a simple technique with audio recorders. He had volunteers from the audience use an audio recorder (also from the audience) to record a simple, short sentence. The batteries from another recorder were removed and the microphone was muted so that recorder could not have picked up their voices. However, when the batteries were put back in, the voices showed up as if it was recorded on that one, not the first.
I asked Ben for some help in explaining this in writing and here is his description of the experiment:
We used induction coils- one on the microphone input and one on the speaker output of the other recorder. The transference of the voice from recorder to recorder was achieved by an electromagnetic field (EMF), not by radio or acoustic waves. In essence, we were proving that the theory of EVPs being transferred by EMF energy that we can't see or hear is a plausible explanation. The recorder couldn't possibly have picked up on us speaking the words audibly because we muted the microphone and took the batteries out of the other recorder when we spoke the words. It was only through EMF energy when we played it back that the other recorder was able to capture it.
So, basically the transference of voices using EMF fields is a possible scientific explanation as to why we can capture voices while investigating. Pretty cool! Bill is known for finding science within paranormal research so it is no surprise he worked to prove this theory.
He then let us listen to some EVPs captured on the
Queen Mary (before the show began) and
Sedamsville Rectory (I believe this was for an event). At the rectory, the voice captured appears to call his name! He pointed out that many EVPs seem to have a whooshing or popping sound before the voice, another possible point to the electromagnetic occurrence that is possibly happening. He then showed some of his favorite clips from the show including the
USS North Carolina,
Buffalo Central Terminal, and the
Birdcage Theater.
He reiterated that disbelievers have to experience the paranormal, evidence won't convince. But he also believes that "If its worth having an opinion, its worth checking the facts" (I really liked that quote!).
Chip Coffey, renown psychic and medium, closed the lectures about some of his personal experiences, including some from that day at the Stanley. He said he and his assistant watched the corner sheets of his bed get tucked in from unseen hands! There was also some play with the lights - they would turn on while he was away from the room after he would purposely turn them off. He also answered from questions from the audience.
After the lectures, Mike Couch, who organized the event, conducted some raffle drawings and an auction for a rem pod signed by a ton of paranormal celebrities and a night in room 401. He made close to $1000 with the auction and raffles! At this point it was pretty late in the evening and we were getting hungry so a few of us snuck out to get some dinner and didn't participate in this part. We needed to prepare for the investigation!
Part 2: Paranormal Experiences
Part 3: Socialite