I am currently visiting my parents and noticed a pair of MN license plates sitting on the counter. Since they have never lived in that state, I found this strange and asked where they came from. They shared this story:
While waiting for visitors to arrive at my grandma's wake, a woman from the funeral home asked my mom to come look at something outside. She pointed out a license plate from a car waiting outside. The car belonged to a neighbor of my grandma (she didn't want to come in as the first visitor), a neighbor who had also sold my grandma a car. The license plate read: NAN 287. My grandma's nickname was Nan, she was born in 1928 and died in 2007.
My mom asked the neighbor if she could have the plates when she didn't need them anymore but 4 years later, hadn't thought about them. The neighbor tried to contact my mom but they had sinced moved. She then called the funeral home to find their new information, the home called my mom and my mom returned her call. The kind neighbor mailed the plates to my mom!
I don't know if this has something to do with my grandma although it's an incredible coincidence otherwise. If it was a visit from grandma, I don't know what the message was. Maybe just to say she is there? The plate had been around long before her death so what does that mean? I just don't know what to make of the story but I still enjoy the thought of how strange it is! Truly paranormal.